Permissions and copyright

Permissions and copyright apply to all content that has been published previously within or external to the University. The University’s policy on Good Academic Practice (GAP) applies to all content written and submitted, and cases of intentional academic misconduct shall be investigated and reported. Content may include images, figures, published text or quotations, artwork and maps. Quotations of fewer than 400 words may be used without permission, insofar as full and correct referencing as discussed in Editorial House Style be used. It is the author’s responsibility to secure permission for any published content before submission to their school’s editorial board. Any subsequent copyrighted content added by members of the editorial board must have permissions secured before returning the preprint to the author. If permission is required to cite or republish, the author should insert a copy of the permission letter with the copies of the source material in the submission form. Please review the guide on photograph captions and correct referencing in Section 4 for more detail. Briefly, every photo used needs a caption and the photographer’s name and affiliation (or source, if from a photo library or website). And every figure, table, or map should reference the source material if external to the research being published.

Where possible, figures should either be redrawn or extracted in their entirety from the source material, with a legend referencing the pages of the source material where the figure(s) was extracted. Creative Commons and Wikimedia Image content extracted from a Creative Commons source, including Wikipedia’s repository of media, Wikimedia, must reference the creator(s) of the photos or artwork where given. If absent, or a pseudonym given, the caption should say ‘unknown creator’. Internally captured photographs All photos taken by student members of the Journal should be referenced in the caption of the photo(s).