Article submissions

We are delighted that you’re considering making a contribution to SaintScience and science communication! You will find the forms for submitting article proposals (presubmission form) and article drafts (article submission form) below.

Presubmission form

Before submitting a full article to the journal editorial board, we would recommend that you submit an initial presubmission form. This enquiry sets out the type of article, its intended area of focus and its relevance to readers. On receiving these presubmission forms, the editorial board will feedback to the writer, either with full interest in the article idea or slight modifications to suit the theme of the journal’s issue better.

We encourage anyone with interest in any area of science supported by the journal (see About Us) to submit article proposals. Our editorial board shall be happy to offer guidance on sculpting your proposal into an engaging article.

If you have any queries prior to submitting a presubmission form, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Deputy Editor in the relevant school or the Editor-in-Chief. Find a full list of members here.

Please find the presubmissions form here:

Presubmission enquiries

Article submission form

After writing a completed draft using the house-style and guidance offered by your school’s editorial members on the basis of your presubmission form, please submit your article using the link below.

After submission, your article will be allocated to peer reviewers by the Deputy Editors who will screen your article for scientific accuracy and possible areas where further clarification is needed. At this stage, the article will be returned to the writer for checks in an editorial cycle between writer and peer reviewer.

Once no further concerns are raised, the article is pipelined to the editorial team for syntax and formatting checks, before publication on the website! The writer will be notified of the publication and the link to their article.

Article submission form